Saturday, August 11, 2007

Painting the same scene

Artist Andre Nobrega 11x14 oil - "Gardens in Pine Mountain, Georgia"

For the last several years Andre Nobrega has made a special effort to come to Callaway Gardens to paint the azaleas and other points of interest at Callaway. Andre lived in Atlanta and Callaway was a quick day trip from his home but he enjoys camping out, so he and his wife Jessica camped out close to Callaway, which is another fun outdoor thing to do. Andre and Jessica now live in California and he is painting California but does visit Georgia often and, of course, still wants to come to Callaway Gardens. You can keep up with Andre by visiting his web site at

When a group of artists get together to paint many times they end up painting the same view. It’s always fun to see the view expressed from another artist’s perspective. It’s even more fun when you haven’t seen it in person but run across it while surfing the net, or checking up on what your artist friends have been painting lately. This happened to me recently and I immediately said, “I’ve painted that same scene!” Sure, you’ve seen paintings of the chapel, and paintings of the walk bridge going up from the Garden’s restaurant to Overlook Garden, but take a look at this! Can you tell where we were? I had no idea that Andre had painted this, and I bet he has no idea I also painted the same path just a little beyond where he stood. I wonder if it was the same year? Did you also paint the same scene? Send it to me phyllisfranklin@hotmail and I’ll put it up on the blog for all to see.

Artist Phyllis Franklin 8x10 oil - "Sliding down Callaway"

The doors of opportunity are marked “Push” and “Pull.” ~ Ethel Watts Mumford

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