Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Barbara Scruggs

To view past messages click here and visit the Callaway Painters blog.

Friends, I have just learned of the passing of one of our most precious members, Barbara Scuggs. Some of you may remember her painting at the Discovery Center the first year we painted as a group at Callaway. Each year Barbara tried to make each event and if she could not come, gave us all her support especially to get the word to everyone in the surrounding Grantville and Fayetteville areas. She is being missed so much for her beautiful caring spirit and most certainly for her organizational and painting skills.

I searched in vain for a photograph of Barbara painting in at Callaway and I know I have one. Hopefully it will come to the top of the pile and I'll be able to post it for all of you to see and remember her. Until then, please visit this spot on the internet, which has a tribute to Barbara. The painting above was placed at her funeral which I feel pleased Barbara very much.

We loved you Barbara.

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