How to Join this Blog As a contributing editor:Send an email to telling her of your interest in becoming a contributing author-editor. Then:
1. You will receive an email invitation from Phyllis Franklin ( to join a private blog: Callaway Painter’s
2. To become an author or contributing editorr, click on the link in the email.
3. Sign in to your Google Account. If you do not have a Google Account, you must create one. Click on "Create your account now."
4. Follow Google instructions. Enter your email address. This email address will not show on the blog unless you later set it to show, but it is important that the email address you submit match the email address you use for the Yahoo email group Callaway Painters. If you are not a member of the email group or don’t want to receive email alerts when a new article is written, this will not matter.
5. Enter a password. Remember your email and password. This is how you get into the blog to post.
6. Enter a display name. This is how you want your name to show on the contributor list. Some artists use their real name. Others use a screen name. You can change how your name appears any time by updating your profile. This is just your display name and not your actual ID.
7. Type in the word verification letters.
8. Accept the terms of service after you read them.
9. Click on “continue” at the lower right of the page.
10. The next page says Dashboard and Blogger Buzz. This is where you read the latest blogger news and also where you manage your blogs. You will see Callaway Painter’s listed under Manage Your Blogs. You can view the blog or you can click on New Post here and write your first post at Callaway Painters. You can also Edit your Profile here or edit your Account. Once you create a post you will notice that your dashboard has disappeared. To get back to your dashboard, just click on new post, and then from their find the link back to your dashboard. At some point in time the Google people will make navigating back to the dashboard easier but until then, the only other way is to sign out and then sign back in, which is a pain.
11. Once finished here, click on Sign out in the blue bar in the upper right hand corner of the page.
Now that you have your Google Account and have the Callaway Painters blog on your dashboard:1. Go to in your browser window.
2. Click on “Sign In” in the upper right hand corner of the page. It is way up in the banner bar where you see” Search Blog, Flag Blog, Next Blog, Create Blog and Sign In.”
3. You are now at the Blogger start page. In the upper right it says Sign in to use Blogger.
4. Enter Username. This is the email address you used when you set up your Google Account. Nothing else will work.
5. Enter your Password. This is the password you used to set up your Google Account.
6. Click on Sign In.
7. You will see your dashboard and can create a new blog of your very own which will appear with all the other blogs that belong under your email that you used to set up your google account. Or, you can post to an existing blog, one of which will be Callaway Painter’s.
8. All other buttons should be self-explanatory, but if you need additional help just email one of the existing editors or look in the blogger help files.